Sunday, March 27, 2011

Drop your socks and grab your Crocs, kids. It's about to get wet.

I have sort of a love/hate relationship with first posts. They're all about defining the theme and parameters of a blog, and frankly, I don't like having to stay within lines. Even self imposed ones. (I'm not part of your system.) Then again, if I would just start a blog and stick with it instead of busting in, tearing up the joint for a couple weeks and then fizzling out faster than Lindsay Lohan running a 5K, I wouldn't have the first post problem in the first place. (For reference, see The Goddess Rambles.)

And so, Dear Readers, I make this commitment to you, and to myself (mostly), because I need some self-discipline and martial arts would cut into my damnyouautocorrect time: I will submit a new post, every day, until (and including) April 30, 2011. By that time I'm hoping it will be a habit. But on that day we'll regroup and see where we're at (probably behind the at).

In order for this to work, though, this blog really can't have defined parameters. It going to have to be whatever I need to write about, whenever I need to write it. (It's like LiveJournal for people who don't cry into their hair product!) It won't be a food or travel or mommy blog, nor will it be movie reviews, political send-ups or cultural rants, although it may wind up being all of those things, at one time or another, and more. Be prepared for randomness and rabbit trails.

I'm not self-absorbed enough to think that scads of people are actually going to follow this. But I am just narcissistic enough to think that journaling is a waste if no one but me is going to read and enjoy the entries. This will likely be a double-post first day because I want to actually write about something instead of just writing about writing about something.

So, here it is: my shiny new outlet.


  1. Hello, dear one! I am posting every day for a year on my blog since I have less faith in myself that I could make it a habit in a month. It was so grat to see you in Miami the other day! Miss you! Kiss you -- S

  2. Summer Dear.... I am EXCITED to watch your blog develop! I will be following.

    XOXOXO Cori

  3. I can't wait to see what new adventures you get into via this blog. Good luck and great writing. :)

  4. I've missed your writing so much! Can't wait to see more. :D


  5. I have SOO missed TGR, and I am endlessly happy to see it reborn/reinvented here. Faithful follower #20395771897. :)
